Rapport / Report

The JRC Award for Exellence 2024 in the category Science for Policy

Behavioural insights for waste-sorting labels in the European Union

Joint Research Centre of European Commission

Authors : 

Olivier Beaumais, Ankinée Kirakozian, Nathalie Lazaric, Hendrik Bruns, Marion Dupoux


Report on the Economic & Social Benefits of Recycling

Bureau of International Recycling by CyclOpe

Contributors : 

Philippe Chalmin, Raphael Chiappini, Yves Jegourel, Ankinee Kirakozian



Livre Blanc "Nudges et mobilité durable"

Rapport rédigé par Ankinée KIRAKOZIAN, Raphaël CHIAPPINI, Lucile JANSSOONE et Noémie ROGEAU